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2nd International Conference of Mathematics, Applied Sciences, Information and Communication Technology (ICMAICT)
2nd International Conference of Mathematics, Applied Sciences, Information and Communication Technology (ICMAICT) will be held in College of Science WSCI, University of Babylon, Hilla, Iraq in 1-2 May, 2022.

ICMAICT organized by Iraqi Academic Syndicate - Main Branch (IAS),University of Babylon (UOB)Statistical and Informatics Consultation Center, (SICC), Dijla Co. Pvt. Ltd (Dijla). Conference aims to bring together all the new aspects in the field of Mathematics, Applied Sciences in Astronomy, Geology, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Physics, Remote sensing and GIS Sciences, Enviroment as well as Information and communication technologies can be shared. The conference Publication is co-published by AIP Conference Proceeding ISSN (0094-243X, 1551-7616)
ICMAICT invites researchers and postgraduate students to an open forum where advanced in the area of Mathematics, Applied Sciences, information and communication technologies can be shared.
AIP Conference Proceedings

AIP Conference Proceedings

Accepted Papers in ICMAICT conference will be published in AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP has been a trusted publishing partner for more than 40 years, delivering fast, affordable, and versatile publishing for maximum exposure of your meeting’s key research. Our conference proceedings program reports the findings presented at scientific meetings from large international conferences to small specialist workshops. Subject areas span the physical sciences, including physics, math, chemistry, materials science, and engineering. AIP Conference Proceedings ISSN: 0094-243X, 1551-7616AIP Indexed in leading databases — Web of ScienceScopusInspec and Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
This Title is Indexed in Scopus, Inspec, Compendex, INIS (International Nuclear Information System), Chemical Abstracts, and NASA Astrophysics Data System.


ICMAICT Wellcomes submissions of Full length Papers, Special Sessions and Worshop Proposal based on the Following Rounds:
Groups(Lecturers / researchers / students / Foreigners).


AUTHOR REGISTERATION OPEN :  20  November       2021
   :  20  November       2021
PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE  :  10  April                2022
THE CAMERA READY DEADLINE  :  20  April                2022
FINAL PAYMENT DEADLINE         :  25 April                 2022
CONFERENCE SESSION STARTED:   01 - 02 May          2022
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University of Babylon, Babylon
University of Babylon, BabylonConference Organizer
SICC Consultation Center
SICC Consultation CenterConference Organizer
Iraqi Academic Syndicate
Iraqi Academic Syndicate Innovation Organizer
Dijla Golden Jewel Co. Pvt. Ltd
Dijla Golden Jewel Co. Pvt. LtdCreative Organizer

About University of Babylon

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Hemant K. Gianey
Prof. Dr. Hemant K. GianeyINDIA
Thapar institute of engineering and technology, India
Associate Prof. (Dr.) Souvik Pal
Associate Prof. (Dr.) Souvik PalIndia
Head of the Dept. of CSE, Global Institute of Management and Technology, West Bengal
Prof. Dr. Adriana Schiopoiu
Prof. Dr. Adriana Schiopoiu Romania
Professor of Management at the University of Craiova, Romania

Honorary Conference Chairs

A. Prof. Dr. Muhanad Alhelal
A. Prof. Dr. Muhanad AlhelalIraq
President of Iraqi Academics Syndicate, Honorary Conference Chair
A.Prof. Dr. Oday A. Al-Owaedi
A.Prof. Dr. Oday A. Al-OwaediIraq
A. Professor at University of Babylon, Head of Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Kamal Ahmad
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Kamal AhmadIraq
Professor at University of Al-Nahrain, Head of Scientific Committee
A. Prof. Dr. Ahmed J. Obaid
A. Prof. Dr. Ahmed J. ObaidIraq
A. Professor at University of Kufa, Head of Secretariat Committee

Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee Members

  • A. Prof. Dr. Ali Mihsen Hussein Alyassiri
  • A. Prof. Dr. Alaa Mohammed Dhahir
  • A. Prof. Dr. Zinah Waleed Abass
  • A. Prof. Dr. mohanad F. Hamood
  • A. Prof. Dr. Ali Aboudi Al-Jubory
  • A. Prof. Dr. Nadia Majeed Hussein
  • Dr. Bassma Hussain Hamad

Organizing Committee Members

  • A. Prof. Dr. Humam Kasem Hussein
  • A. Prof. Dr. Rafie Shakir AlKhafaji
  • Dr. Hiba Abdullah Ahmed
  • Dr. Ahmed Khalid Ibrahim
  • Dr. Kawther Ali Khalaph
  • Dr. Hiba Abduallh Ahmed
  • Roaa Mohammed hamid alchalabi

Scientific Committee

Scientific Committee Members

  • Prof. Dr. Mohammed Assi Ahmed Al-Dujaili
  • Prof. Dr. Ziad M. Abood
  • Prof. Dr. Nada Mahdi Fawzi Aljalawi
  • Prof. Dr. Kadhim A. Hubeatir
  • Prof. Dr. Salah Abdul Hadi Albermany

Scientific Committee Members

  • Prof. Dr. Ali Hubi Haleem
  • Prof. Dr. Lama Khaled Bandar
  • Prof. Dr. Amar Albaaji
  • A. Prof. Dr. Layth A. Al-Jaberi
  • A. Prof. Dr. Mahdi Saleh Nayef

International Advisory Board

Prof. Dr.  Pardeep  Kumar
Prof. Dr. Pardeep Kumar Pakistan
Prof. Dr. Macario G. Gayeta
Prof. Dr. Macario G. GayetaPhilippines
Prof. Dr. Vishal Jain Kumar
Prof. Dr. Vishal Jain KumarIndia
Prof. Dr. Korhan Cengiz
Prof. Dr. Korhan CengizTurkey
Prof. Dr.Saikat Gochhait
Prof. Dr.Saikat GochhaitIndia
Prof. Dr. Tanusree Chatterjee
Prof. Dr. Tanusree ChatterjeeIndia
Prof. Dr. Mohammed N. Hoda
Prof. Dr. Mohammed N. HodaIndia
Asst. Prof. Dr Kumar Abhishek
Asst. Prof. Dr Kumar AbhishekIndia
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Elhoseny
Prof. Dr. Mohamed ElhosenyEgypt
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Elngar
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed ElngarEgypt
Asst. Prof. Dr. Rohit Sharma
Asst. Prof. Dr. Rohit SharmaIndia
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kailash Shaw
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kailash Shaw India

Conference Topics

ICMAICT-2022 Welcomes Submissions on Original Contributions are solicited on topics covered under broad areas such as (but not limited to):


Technical Partners


Registration Plans

Full Paper Participation
$125Facilities of Full papers submission
  • 1 Day Access to Conference Venue
  • Session Access for Discussion
  • Conference Participation Certificate
  • Conference Award from IICIF Organization
  • Conference Award from Conference
  • Thankful Letter from Organizers
  • Conference Package
Attendance || Visitor
$25Facilities of Attendance and Visitors
  • 2 Day Access to Conference Venue
  • No Workshop Access
  • Session Access As Visitor
  • Thankful Letter from Organizers
  • Attendance Certificate
  • Coffee Break Access
  • Conference Package


Convening ICMAICT 2022 Conference is depend on the health and epidemiological situation of Corona virus 19 (COVID-19) in Iraq .. In the event that the epidemic does not subside, the conference management will hold it through the Zoom platform .. All details of the conference Sessions and Agenda will be published at the Last Week of April 2022.

Conference Program Chair

Conference Venue

Welcoming city of Babylon

The oldest historical city in the world

Babylon City, Oldest City in the World

City of Babylon Added to the World Heritage List

University of Babylon

Our Conference Venue in October 22-23, 2020
About Babylon City, Iraq
Babylon was the capital city of Babylonia, a kingdom in ancient Mesopotamia, between the 18th and 6th centuries BC. It was built along the left and right banks of the Euphrates river with steep embankments to contain the river's seasonal floods. Babylon was originally a small Akkadian town dating from the period of the Akkadian Empire c. 2300 BC.
The town became part of a small independent city-state with the rise of the First Babylonian dynasty in the 19th century BC. The Amorite king Hammurabi created a short-lived empire in the 18th century BC. He built Babylon into a major city and declared himself its king. Southern Mesopotamia became known as Babylonia and Babylon eclipsed Nippur as its holy city. The empire waned under Hammurabi's son Samsu-iluna and Babylon spent long periods under Assyrian, Kassite and Elamite domination. After being destroyed and then rebuilt by the Assyrians, Babylon became the capital of the short-lived Neo-Babylonian Empire from 609 to 539 BC. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. After the fall of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, the city came under the rule of the Achaemenid, Seleucid, Parthian, Roman, and Sassanid empires.
It has been estimated that Babylon was the largest city in the world c. 1770 – c. 1670 BC, and again c. 612 – c. 320 BC. It was perhaps the first city to reach a population above 200,000. Estimates for the maximum extent of its area range from 890 to 900 hectares (2,200 acres).

The remains of the city are in present-day Hillah, Babil Governorate, Iraq, about 85 kilometres (53 mi) south of Baghdad, comprising a large tell of broken mud-brick buildings and debris.
University of Babylon
The University of Babylon (Arabic: جامعة بابل) is a university located in Babylon, Iraq. It consists of 20 colleges within three compounds, located seven kilometers south of the city of Hillah, in Babylon Province. The campus was originally the Administrative Institute of Babylon. Later some of the buildings were adopted for use by the medical college of the University of Kufa, before being established as a university in its own right in 1991.
The university now teaches a wide variety of subjects, and during the 1990s, started teaching night classes. These became popular, especially among well-off families, after the increase in difficulty of high school examinations in 1997.
It publishes the Journal of University of Babylon and Medical Journal of Babylon.

Current Conference Edition (ICMAICT 2022)

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